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See Facebook Page for Details on this Program

Kirkton Soccer/T-Ball



Location: K/W Community Centre


Time: Fridays 7-8pm


Dates: May - July 



Registration for the 2022 Season of Kirkton Community Soccer and Baseball program is now open.

Spaces are limited as there is only 1 playing field for each age group.

A reminder: tyke participants are those born in 2014, 2015, 2016; peanut participants are those born in 2017 and 2018.

Please email your completed registrations forms to

No payment is required at this point, however, once registration is confirmed, payment will be required to solidify your child's participation in the program.


There are two age groups that are offered. Please click on the link below to find out if your child is a Peanut or a Tyke.


Please click on the link below for the guidelines and rules of the program.


Volunteers are an essential part of this program. Please click on the link below to find out how parents and caregivers help with the success of this program.


Please click on the link below for specific dates and additional information.

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